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Giving Sermon

Topic: Giving

Giving Sermon: This video was produced on Monday December 2, 2019 (Cyber Monday).


This is a pretty classic stewardship sermon. I go through different topics about giving, which include: giving in the right spirit (the widows mite and not wanting attention), spiritual treasure, giving cheerfully, generosity etc. I also talk about our ministry and what we do with any donation given to us by anyone. We explain the needs of our particular ministry, but make sure that people know there are more giving options than just us. We want people to give talent, time, or money somewhere even if it's not us. Blessings are Heaven's currency. This makes the spirit of giving extremely important to the lives of ministries and people. We need to remember to pray about where to give or serve, how much time or money etc. to commit to a cause and when to do so.

Scripture List:

Matthew 6: 19-21

Hebrews 13: 16

Luke 21: 1-4

Matthew 6: 1-4

Matthew 26: 6-13

2 Corinthians 9: 6-8 Psalm 112: 5

2 Corinthians 9: 10-15 Proverbs 11: 25

Giving Sermon: Direct link for video/webm